Greetings fellow musicians. Below you will find answers to most of your questions. I wanted us to have a place where we as members could come to get info on rehearsals, events and programming. Never hesitate to email me or call if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions.
I can be reached by cell phone 770-912-3576, or email at .
Concert Dress Code will be announced during rehearsal for each concert setting.
Dues for playing members are $50 per year. This helps us with purchase of music along with transportation costs for moving equipment for concerts. Thank you for your participation in the ensemble.
Looking ahead get these dates on your calendar
Please see the list of rehearsal dates for the upcoming 2024-2025 Concert Season:
Concert Dates:
Looking ahead get these dates on your calendar
Please see the list of rehearsal dates for the upcoming 2025-2026 Concert Season:
Concert Dates:
Music is going to be distributed by means of a shared Google Drive. Your Principal Player will contact you to let you know when the music is available for you to print. The Principal Player for your section will also discuss which parts you will be playing for each piece.
With the complexity of the programs that we are performing it may be necessary to be flexible to play varied parts during a performance. You will be responsible to print off your individual parts and bring them with you to rehearsals and performances.
We value your input. If you have an idea for a concert venue/event we want to know. If you have a suggestion for a piece of music that you would like to perform as member we want to know. Send me a message so that we can discuss your ideas. Any place that we can perform to share the music that we have been gifted to play is a great thing.
Each of you will be responsible for getting yourself and your instrument to the concert venues. We will be taking care of the percussion equipment, stands, music, etc. Of course help in loading, unloading will always be accepted. Performing at varied venues always creates a logistical challenge but we are excited to meet that challenge.
Your commitment to your fellow players is important. We all know life happens and we might have to miss a performance. What we ask is that you try to give your Principal Player in your section a 30 day notice so that an alternate can be contacted.
Please remember that if you miss two performances in a row you will be moved to the alternate list and your seat will be filled by another player.
Thank you for being a part of the group. Please use this link to make your payments to the group.